
Temperature Only 3-Point Calibration and Validation to Calibration (CALTO)
Temperature and Humidity 3-Point Calibration and Validation to Calibration (CALTH)

You can specify your own calibration points when requesting a validation on your equipment.

South African National Accreditation System (SANAS)
Temperature and Humidity Mapping

Temperature & Humidity Mapping

Definition: It is the process of recording and mapping the temperature & humidity in a 3- dimensional space. Ensuring that all locations within the temperature & humidity-controlled area are within the correct temperature & humidity range, it is critical to maintain the quality of the products. The mapping that we perform, allows customers to generate a temperature & humidity profile of the facility, thus ensuring it maintains the temperature & Humidity ranges required by the specific temperature & Humidity sensitive products. It helps protect their product value, by identifying potential environmental control problems before products become ineffective or spoiled.

Cold Chain Packaging

Cold Chain Packaging

Definition: Cold chain packaging systems are packaging systems designed to maintain temperature sensitive payloads at the correct temperature. Three basic types of cold chain packaging systems are available: active, passive and hybrid. We provide pre-qualified insulated shipping solutions for temperature-sensitive products. We work with customers on custom thermal package designs and qualifications for shipping in their cold chain environment. Maintaining product integrity is the key motivation for many customers that work with us on a thermal package design. We provide solutions to regulated or non-regulated industries that have a simple thermal packaging need, we can provide the proper level of qualification for the design of their cold chain package.

Thermal Validation

Thermal Validations

Definition: Is the process of validating or qualifying equipment and storage facilities, to prove that they will create and maintain the temperatures & humidity they are designed for. We work with most of our regulated customers, to validate the entire process by which a product/equipment is obtained from a manufacturer/distributor and is examined and tested before it is formally approved for routine use.​

Calibration Services


Definition: Calibration is a documented comparison between a known measurement device (the traceable reference standard device) and the measurement device (The unit under test). We are SANAS Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and we offer SANAS accredited calibration services for Temperature Metrology and Humidity Metrology.

Temperature Calibration

Temperature Calibration

The Temperature Laboratory can offer inhouse and onsite SANAS temperature calibration ranging from -80°C to 150°C. ​

Humidity Calibration

Humidity Calibration​

The Humidity Laboratory can offer inhouse and onsite SANAS Humidity calibration ranging from 11% to 90%. ​